23-25 March 2022 - University of Edinburgh
Welcome to First Edinburgh Workshop on Quantum t-Designs
Quantum Computing as a fast developing and interdisciplinary field of research, intensively borrows many tools and ideas from different areas of mathematics. Designs are one of these abstract mathematical structures that have found many applications in quantum computing due to their relation to efficient sampling from quantum states and unitary groups.
The goal of this workshop is to discuss quantum t-designs as an important toolkit in quantum information and quantum computing and their most recent applications in quantum verification, quantum machine learning and quantum cryptography.
Join us in to learn more about quantum designs!
Introduction to designs and quantum t-designs
Workshop tutorial talks cover an introduction to the abstract notions of designs and t-design in quantum. More specifically we will discuss state and unitary designs as well as exact and approximate quantum t-designs.
Applications in quantum verification and supremacy
Random vectors and unitaries are ubiquitous in quantum computing, quantum information and many-body physics. In particular efficient construction of these random quantum unitaries and states bare a great importance in benchmark computational advantage for quantum computation and verification of quantum computers. We will discuss the role of t-designs for this purpose and the proposed constructions.
Applications in quantum machine learning
Quantum machine learning and variational quantum circuits are among main candidates for applications of noisy intermediate scale quantum (NISQ) devices. During this workshop we will discuss the relation of t-design in some of the open problems in this field such as Barren plateaus.
Applications in quantum cryptography
Randomness and pseudo-randomness is crucial for cryptography, especially in the design of symmetric-key cryptographic protocols and secure communication. t-designs as practical tools for create efficient quantum randomness, have found applications in this area in the past years. We will learn about these applications and the applications of quantum designs for achieving security in the quantum world.
Workshop Talks Schedule
23-25 March 2020
GMT time zone
10AM - 5PM
March 23
9:30-10:00 AM Welcome session
10:00-11:00 AM Damian Markham
11:30 AM-12:30 PM Yoshifumi Nakata
Exact and approximate constructions of t-designs, and their applications
2:00-3:00 PM Jonas Haferkamp
Approximate unitary t-designs from random interleaved Clifford circuits
3:45-4:30 PM Ellen Derbyshire
Unitary 2-designs and their application to characterisation methods: randomized benchmarking and beyond
10AM - 6PM
March 24
10:00-11:00 AM Michal Oszmaniec
Operational Quantum Average-Case Distances
11:30 AM-12:15 PM Rawad Mezher
Unitary t-designs in the measurement-based picture, and applications
2:30-3:30 PM Theodoros Kapourniotis
The power of randomisation in Quantum Accreditation
4:30-5:30 PM Saeed Mehraban
Approximate unitary t-designs using nearest neighbor random quantum circuits
10AM - 5PM
March 25
10:00-10:45 AM Slimane Thabet, and Constantin Dalyac
A Short introduction to applications of t-design in quantum machine learning
2:00-2:40 PM Yi-Kai Liu
Pseudorandom Quantum States based on Computational Hardness
3:00-4:00 PM Marco Cerezo
From expressibility to overparametrization and barren plateaus in quantum neural networks